About Me

I went to Medical School in Philadelphia and now in my last of 5 years in a general surgical residency program in the southeast USA.  Over the course of my training I have seen the power of good communication in the hospital.  Good communication is the cornerstone of excellent patient care. 

Without clear communication between the doctor and patient, adverse events will happen.
- Medical Errors
- Patient Dissatisfaction
- Doctor Frustration
- Legal Consequences

Promoting excellent communication skills has been my goal.  These skills provide the necessary bridge between doctor and patient.  Please help add to this blog and contribute ideas that help improve patient care.  My ultimate mission is make a website where patients and doctors can speak in a common, simple language to facilitate the growing need of complete transparency in the healthcare world.  For example, if you are a Family Medicine physician and wish to write an article on "How to talk to your Doctor about Eating Healthy" - please send me article and I will add it to the many other articles designed to improve doctor-patient communication.

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