Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Medication Lists

It is very common for a patient to have multiple medications.  These medications are very important and patients must take responsibility for knowing their medications.  Serious consequences can happen if medications are not taken exactly as described.  It is up to the doctors and especially the patient to know the right medications.  Doctors often hear the following statements from patients:

1. "The doctor can look up my meds in the system"

- Often the "meds in the system" are wrong or outdated.  There is no better source than the patient themselves for an accurate list of medications

2. Just call my pharmacy to find out my meds!!

- This is incredibly time consuming and often inaccurate.  Again, the patient is the most valuable source.

3.  "I don't know my medications but my family will be able to help"

- Families are great sources of help but often doctors can't reach family or can't in time to discuss medication lists.

Therefore - Patients must take responsibility for their medications by having the following information readily available at all times (emergency and scheduled visits)

Medication Name: Coumadin or Generic - Warfarin
Dose: 5mg
Frequency: Every daily or twice daily
Route: By Mouth
Reason: For blood thinning due to atrial fibrillation

If patients carried this information and kept it up to date, then medication errors would decrease.  The best system is to keep a medication list in your wallet or purse that can be changed and presented to the doctor at every visit.

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